Happy Birthday to my favorite sister Claire!!!!!! She turned 14 on the 17th. Hope it was the best ever, Claire!
We had an incredible week full of miracles! Let me start by saying I love Italy and I love the people of Italy with my whole heart. I'm so blessed to be serving the Lord and furthering His work in such an amazing part of the world.
Carley, Zina, and Hess |
Deborah and her brother Simeon |
On Friday afternoon we went with an Italian member and an American member to a foster home in our area. The American member gave us all a ride and wow it's been a long time since I've been in a car because the ride was probably 15 minutes and I thought I was going to throw up by the end of it...car sickness or maybe it's just the way these crazy Italians drive! Anyways, there are about 10 teenagers that live in this house. The relief society in our ward has been making quilts for months for these kids so we got to go help deliver them!! It was so much fun meeting new people and they were all so nice, hopefully they'll be able to come to english course tomorrow night :) I am looking forward to going back and serving there and the youth in the ward are already planning a visit!!
After our delivering blankets and a couple lessons on Saturday night, we decided to go visit Zina and get pizza of course. Sorella Hess and I wanted to get rid of our change so we dumped all of our coins on the table and started counting out coins to pay for our pizza. Well while we were in the middle of this intense process, in walks Gerry- our friend from english course!! I guess we looked pretty pathetic to him because he so kindly paid for our pizza. Miracles!! It was so sweet of him. But we still have lots of change hahah.
Okay now for the good stuff! Best for last?? Saturday was the best day ever!!!!! Gianfranco got baptized!!!!!!!!!! It was seriously such a special day. The baptism was on the American base at the non-denominational chapel because the next closest baptismal font is in Pozzuoli. It was really cool to see someone that I've become close with experience such a tremendous change in their life. He bore his testimony at the end of the service about the feeling of peace he felt. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry...
Gianfranco's baptism |
After his baptism we had a big BBQ with some members on base and they may or may not have been playing country music the whole time we were there.....enough said about that ;)
Today for pday we went to the best pizzeria in Napoli, Michele. WOW. I think I'll leave it at that.
We had a member of the ward give his farewell talk in church yesterday! He's headed to the Philippines. It was so weird listening to him because I feel like that was me just yesterday! I am so excited for him because he has no idea what he's about to experience. His talk allowed me to reflect on my personal conversion and the happiness that I've been able to experience in the past couple months. I'm so thankful for all the growth I've experienced and can't wait to keep learning, growing, and strengthening my testimony every day.
I finally watched the video "Lift" this week, (https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2015-05-003-lift?lang=eng) if you haven't watched it yet it is 100% worth your time and it's fairly short. This video helped me remember that when we are serving others we are serving God. And that when we serve others, we can feel sincere joy. James 4:10 says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." I know that we rise by lifting others!! I am so thankful for the 18 months I have to dedicate my time solely to lifting other and helping the feel God's love for them :)
I know that we have a Heavenly Father that loves every single one of us. I know that we can communicate with Him through prayer and I know that He answers our prayers according to His will. I can honestly say I've never been so happy in my life and I am so thankful to be a representative of Jesus Christ!!
I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week :)
Louisa Russo |
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Found Nike in Napoli |