Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Benvenuto inverno

Welcome winter!!

That's right, it's winter here on the island and it's so cold we have no idea what to do with ourselves....and it's only going to get colder :) We are just counting down to November 16, the day the city turns on the heaters in our house! Then we can at least be warm somewhere.... but until then we will hover in front of our little baby space heater and do our studies mummy style- wrapped in blankets! 
Our apartment
Not too much to recount from this week.....when it's cold or rainy or both cold and rainy, Italians don't go out. And when you try to approach the door, "it's too cold". :) love it!! 

One highlight from this week was that when we went to visit Stefania, she said she has gone to institute the past 2 weeks! And she said she's been reading the Book of Mormon!!!! Sorella DeMann has been here for 6 months and this is the first time she's heard Stefania say that! Woo hoo!!!!! There's a phrase Italians like to say, "piano piano" which means "little by little". Piano piano Stefania will be back to church. We are praying so hard for her to make that step! She's coming for institute and reading the Book of Mormon :) 

We got a new ward mission leader this week........*drum roll* Jonathan Tavernari (he's a BYU basketball legend, and now plays professionally for the team here in Sassari!). Sorella DeMann and I were lowkey fist pumping when they announced that change in sacrament meeting. He is so awesome and has been such a help with Pietro. It's going to be great working with someone that is just as motivated to be a missionary as we are!!

We had a lesson with Gift this week (she is still on date for baptism, December 16th!). We invited Matia, she's a convert in the branch that speaks english really well! She came to help out and bear testimony of the word of wisdom!! And when Gift arrived, suprise! She brought a friend to the lesson!!!!!!!!! This girl is on fire. She brought her roommate, Blessing, to come to the lesson and learn about the word of wisdom. When we asked Gift if she would live the word of wisdom she said, "I already do all of those things" YES!!!!! And Blessing was asking us some questions at the end, it was so awesome :)  Gift came to church yesterday too! She is really so strong. She comes to church by herself every week and doesn't have any friends really because she doesn't speak Italian. But she still comes every week with no push from us. It's incredible. Yesterday she tried to pay tithing AGAIN! This time we had to explain to her that she can't pay tithing until after her baptism so she can just keep the money or make a donation (fast offering). So she just paid the money as a donation!!!!!!! WOW. She blows us away. Ah being a missionary is so rewarding, I don't know how I got so lucky to be able to witness her conversion and diligence in keeping the commandments but I am so thankful. 

We also technically have a new investigator, Theresa, I think I mentioned her a couple weeks ago but she's known the missionaries since 1973. She's a tough cookie that's for sure. But for some reason, we really feel like now is her time. She's ready, she knows, but she's scared and hesitating. So if anyone has suggestions, I'm ready!! Sorella DeMann and I are ready for the challenge though, because when we are sitting in her living room bearing testimony of the gospel truths we know, every single thing about it feels SO right. 

Eggplant lasagna
At the Mensa Caritas on Saturday, I got to try my new favorite Italian dish, it's eggplant lasagna--so good! "Melanzane".

Last night we were planning to go out and do some video finding, but then decided to call Fulvia, a member and see if we could come visit, although it was late and there probably wasn't a bus. When she answered the phone she said she wanted to call us and invite us over but thought it was too late to catch a bus!!!!! So of course, we hunt down a bus. We may have gotten a little lost and missed our stop, but we got to talk to a really cool dad and his 2 little sons! They were super interested in coming to english course so we are praying it works out for them to come. It's so amazing how the Lord puts us in situations He knows we need! If we wouldn't have missed our stop, we never would have talked to that man :) Fortunately, the bus driver was nice and dropped us off in the general direction of Fulvia's house. Thank goodness for technology because we were able to use maps to wander around the streets in the dark until we found her house :) 

Fulvia told us a really cool story of a girl she met over a year ago, Monica. Fulvia prays every day for the chance to share the gospel with someone. One Monday she did just that and felt that she needed to go to the grocery store. She didn't know why, because she never does grocery shopping on Monday, bad produce, etc. But she went anyways and loaded up her cart with water and a few other things. When she went to check out, she met Monica, who was working at the grocery store. Monica asked how she was going to carry all this water to her house. Fulvia told her she lived alone but that she had some angels that would help her, the missionaries (well played, Fulvia, well played.). And from that, stemmed a beautiful friendship between Fulvia and Monica. Monica has 4 children, Fulvia has given her a Book of Mormon and I think she has read some. Fulvia has been trying to get her to meet with us but she's busy. Last night when we were at her house, she called Monica (on speakerphone). She said, bold like an Italian, "Monica, why don't you come meet with the missionaries? You need the gospel in your life. Everyone needs the gospel. Your family needs the gospel, etc. etc." OH it was AMAZING. I turned to Sorella DeMann and said, "dang, we need to bring her finding with us!" hahaha but seriously! Members like Fulvia >>>>> .  Fulvia has also been friends with Theresa for a very long time, they are like sisters. Theresa came to Fulvia's baptism 20 years ago. SO.....vediamo!

Found matching hats while sorting clothes
We also met with Kiri (Tavernari) one day this week..... there is a huge clothing stash at the church that we didn't know about until she showed us! Apparently members have been bringing clothing donations to the church and they've been building up for a while. So we sorted them into categories. We are trying to think of what we could do with all of these clothes because there are so many refugee camps in need for this winter. (if you have ideas please let me know!) Kiri got approval from the Sassari basketball team that they are going to make this their winter community outreach event. So now all the members of the basketball team and their families are sorting through their closets too! Kiri even went around her apartment building knocking doors asking people for donations. She's awesome. We are just brainstorming a way to incorporate the gospel into this amazing project!!

Other than that, our week was full of english group finding! We are trying to emphasize it because the most recent baptisms in Sassari are results of english course students! I think we handed out 400 or more cards this week just traveling around with our giant sign!! It's a lot of fun! :)

Quote of the week: "Testimony is not a destination; it is a possession for performance." (from "What is your Destination?" by Marvin J. Ashton). This is something I've been reflecting on a lot this week. Obtaining a testimony isn't a destination!! There are thing we can continue to learn and parts of our testimonies that need to be strengthened! But when we do have a testimony, we are more able to share the gospel with others :) A testimony really is a possession for performance! That's something I've really come to learn as a missionary and is something I invite each of you to do this week. A testimony doesn't have to be verbal, but can also be demonstrated through our actions!! I have a testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for Him, my Savior, and His atoning sacrifice for every one of us. I am grateful to be His hands in His work here nella bella cita di Sassari. 

Vi voglio bene! Alla prossima!!

From English class. (we got some funny answers)

Our kitchen
Our bedroom

Sorella Carley Neuberger
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Corso Giovanni Pascoli 25
Sassari, SS 07100