Ciao a tutti! Wow so many things to write about and so
little time, so bear with me!!
I guess I'll start with our investigator, Rita! She's in her
20s. The sorelle that got blown out left us with her, we met her very briefly
but she works out of town and is there all the time. Apparently she was very
close to baptism but her parents are against the church. This week we've seen
the blessing of being able to use facebook messenger, because she never answers
her phone or responds to text messages but we have had several good
conversations with her on messenger! She is reading the Book of Mormon and has
read all the way to Jacob by herself!!!! Unbelievable. We keep asking when we
can meet up, so hopefully it will be soon!
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Ravioli with sugo nero (squid ink) |
Miracle day: Tuesday. We spent our whole morning street
contacting in Ortigia without much success and then got terribly lost on the
way back home (love being white washed) and were getting home for lunch so
late. There was no one on the streets (Italians take pranzo very seriously and
the whole city shuts down for a few hours) but we heard someone yelling behind
us. We didn't think much of it until we heard distinctly "Sorelle!!"
We turned around to find a cute couple from Arizona on vacation, he served here
like 15 years ago or something. They invited us to crash their dinner
reservation in Ortigia so of course we were down. Such a miracle in a city
where we barely know anyone! And the fact that if we wouldn't have been late
coming home we never would've met them! That night we went back to Ortigia (not
our original plans) for more street contacting before dinner. Within a span of
5 minutes I kid you not, we met two really great new contacts! The first was
Sandra who said she will be at english course on Tuesday (tomorrow!), we
exchanged numbers, she was so excited to meet us and gave us huge hugs, we were
so happy and surprised we didn't know what to do with ourselves! And while we
were continuing to celebrate and still find, we met Carolina a cute mom from
Venezuela! She called us on Friday to set up a pranzo appointment for this
coming Saturday! We are so excited to meet with her again and teach her more.
:) It was beautiful meeting these 2 women that night. It's as if Heavenly
Father was rewarding our efforts from that morning but we appreciated it so
much more after not having tons of success! Dinner with the americans was a
blast to say the least, we learned a lot about the area, the members, and had
ravioli with sugo nero (the sauce is black because it's made with squid ink
sacks! SO good), and gelato + brioche for dessert. Basically what I'm trying to say is that this week I gained
a testimony that Heavenly Father is aware of each of us individually. I know
that He loves us and cares about us!
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The streets of Siracusa |
Along with lots of street contacting we also switched it up
a little during the week with some casa in casa (house to house!). We saw a
huge house to house miracle last night, Patrizia. We got into this HUGE
building with 4 separate staircases (like 4 sections to the apartment building)
we knocked all of A, B, C, and D. We got to the last door of D and it was a nursing
home type thing whoops. Well the girl working was named Patrizia and she told
us she couldn't lose any time, she had to work. We told her the video we are
showing is only 3 minutes! So she said "dai". YES. The spirit was so
strong afterwards that she agreed to exchange phone numbers and meet again!!!!!
Oh my the second she closed the door we were hugging and silently yelling and
cheering. Come ho detto prima, Heavenly Father is aware of us and sometimes
just decides to rain down little miracles :)
In other news.. I tried Granita this week. It changed my
If you don't know what granita is..... mi dispiace tanto.
Another highlight of Siracusa: english course! The english
course here is going to be so much fun, I just love doing english group. I
tried really extra hard to learn everyone names right off the bat so hopefully
I remember them all tomorrow! We also have some super en gamba members that
support english group which is really cool.

Okay I'll stop boring you but just one more little miracle
we saw last night while doing finding.... we met another lady from Venezuela,
Maria!!!!!! We got to exchange numbers with her too! Lots of potentials in the
making and so much to be excited about and thankful for here in Siracusa. Funny
moment was when she was telling us about how her brother had been murdered and
his body burned back in Venezuela and Sorella Hope (not really understanding
anything, bless her heart) said "Forte!" meaning "cool!"
hahahaha luckily she didn't say it too loudly. Mamma mia I love being a
missionary and I love this work.
I want yall to know that I am truly loving my mission. I was
reading a talk by Elder Bednar and he said, "Sometimes we try to run so
fast that we may forget where we are going and why we are running." This
week I learned that in the slower times, or when we stop to remember our
purpose, the Lord will bless us and we will better recognize His hand in every
moment of our lives. So che la chiesa e vera e vi vogliamo tantissimo bene.
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Enjoying Sicilian food |
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Sorella Hope icing her legs down after a day with a lot of walking |
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Kids from church |
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p-day |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Via Polibio, 17
Siracusa, SR 96100
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Via Polibio, 17
Siracusa, SR 96100