Ciao amici e famiglia! Today marks my first preparation day in the
Missionary Training Center!!
The person that declared Disney to be the happiest place on earth obviously
never went to the MTC. Since the minute I set foot on campus, happiness is all
I've felt. The Spirit's presence here is undeniable and so overwhelming.
Throughout the past week, I've been able to feel God's love for me in more ways
than I ever thought imaginable.
I've waited my whole life to be a full-time missionary and now that that
time is here I could not be happier.
So here's my week in review! I'll try to be brief, but it's hard when I have
already had so many awesome experiences I want to share with you all! (don't
feel obligated to read this whole letter, I won't be offended if you just look
at the pictures)
I'll start with the big news first. DAVID A. BEDNAR WAS THE SPEAKER AT
DEVOTIONAL ON TUESDAY. Yes, yes you read that correctly. I, along with hundreds
of other missionaries here at the Provo MTC, was privileged to hear Elder
Bednar and his wife speak! For those of you that don't know, David A. Bednar is
a modern-day apostle to our prophet, Thomas S. Monson. He talked about how
living the gospel doesn't free us from adversity or challenges, it helps us
endure and overcome. I love that!! So this devotional was a broadcast to the 14
other MTCs in the world, how cool is that?!? I was part of the choir number
that sang "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer" so maybe try and look it

Choir. Holy cow choir is definitely my favorite part of the MTC. If you know
me, you know that I feel the Spirit most through music and WOW. What better way
to feel God's love for us than by singing praises to him (ad alta voce)? There
is no way to describe how it feels to be united with hundreds of other
missionaries in song. We are united in our purpose and devoted to our calling:
serving God with all of our heart, might, mind and strength. I will be super
proud of myself if I can make it through the hymn "Called to Serve"
just once without crying. Who am I kidding, that's impossible.
My companion/district. IS THE BEST EVER. Wow I'm so blessed. My companion,
Sorella Oehler, is from Las Vegas. We are the only 2 in our district of 8 that
aren't from Utah hahah. Also, I believe Kristi Lee Neuberger is friends with
Sorella Oehler's brother??!?! Small world! Sorella Oehler goes to BYU too! (And
apparently so does her brother!) Our district is made up of 4 Anziani e 4
Sorella (4 Elders and 4 Sisters). We are such a team. The Italian word for team
is "squadra" which is basically the coolest thing ever. We walk
around yelling "HASHTAG SQUADRA!!!!!!" We spend most of our time
laughing-- I think I'll have a 6-pack by the time I leave here, no joke. Ahhhhh
it's the best.
MTC district - Anziano Hansen, Macdonald, Sorella Barnes, Demann, Oehler, (me), Anziano Hughes, Velardi
Sorrela Oehler and Carley |
Fun fact- my district leader, Anziano Velardi, his dad served in the Rome
mission and his mom is Italian. Anziano Velardi has duel citizenship for both
the United States and Italy. Pretty crazy.
Thank you for all of the packages, letters, emails, and continued support!
They mean the world to me and absolutely do not go unnoticed. There's an Elder
in my zone that I've become really good friends with, Anziano Hansen, he calls
me Sorella Snacks because I always have treats hahahaha.
Funny story of the week: Elder Macdonald (in our district) recounting an
experience from one of their lessons, "Apparently I said 'I testify that
if you pray, you will feel fish' " hahahaha. The struggle of the language
barrier. He meant to say "peace" which is "pace" in Italian
(pronounced pa-che), but instead he said pesce. Like I said, always laughing!
Maryn-friend from BYU. Called to serve in Equador. |
We have 1 "investigator" right now and while we were teaching her
this week about prayer she says out of the blue, "can I pray? Right
now?" My companion and I were like, "SI" (YES)!!!!!!!!! It
was incredible. The spirit was so strong throughout that prayer and I couldn't
help but cry as I felt Heavenly Father's love for her. I can't wait to have
these sort of experiences with real investigators!!
I had the opportunity this week to reflect on Alma chapter 26 (great read,
highly recommend) in the Book of Mormon where Alma the Younger and the sons of
Mosiah turn their lives around and become the greatest missionaries ever! It
brought me to the realization that if God can take the vilest of sinners and
turn them into incredible missionaries, what will he do for me?? And more
importantly what will he do for YOU? I know that God has a plan for each of us
and that plan is the plan of happiness!! We all deserve happiness and peace in
this life and that comes through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this
because I have learned it for myself!! If you have doubts or questions, take
them to the Lord in prayer because I know he will strengthen you and provide
Sister Tanner (BYU friend) - Going to Indonesia |
Have you been teaching at all?
Yes, we were teaching the day we got here. We taught our first lesson in
Italian on day 3. We have taught 4 Italian lessons so far to our
"investigator" and it's been a wonderful learning and growing
How is the language coming?
Uhhhh it's only been 7 days so I'd say pretty good for that time period! I can
bear testimony, pray and recite the Missionary purpose in Italian, along with a
few other things! The gift of tongues is so real here, I can definitely feel my
knowledge of the language being strengthened in times of need. As for right
now, I'm not going to stress a ton about learning the language. I know it'll
come eventually so I'm going to spend every day loving my time here at the MTC!
I'll stress in 6 months if I'm not fluent.
How is your teacher?
I have 1 teacher he got home from the Rome mission 1 year ago and he is
incredible and so SO spiritual. He helps us learn the language but he's more
focused on helping us develop strong spiritual foundations. It's awesome.
What's the food like at the MTC?
It's pretty deece. I've been pleasantly surprised because everyone always talks
about how terrible the food here is (**cough *Mason McLaws* cough**) but it's
actually okay. They bring in food from the outside world once a week, so far
we've had Papa Johns and Taco Bell! :) oh and BYU creamery ice cream every
Wednesday :))))))
Ask me this question in 6 weeks and I might have a different answer.....
Chase: congrats on the #PR you little #speedygonzales
Cade: I laughed the whole time I read your #dearelder #thanksforthemail
Claire: thanks for the #swagtastic package #trickortreat #youdarealMVP
Halloween package from the best sister ever! Thanks Claire!! |
Oh and mom could you please send me some earplugs? A girl in our room snores
excessively and it wakes me up most nights. So I'm going to need some high
quality ones. But not so high quality that I can't hear my alarm going off in
the morning...... much appreciated.
I am so humbled to represent the Lord and be His servant for the next 18
months! I know the church is true and I know the Book of Mormon is true! Io so
che la chiesa è vera e io so che il libro di mormon è vera! In just one week, I
have developed a much stronger relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ. I have prayed more than ever and I know that the power of prayer is
real. If prayer isn't currently part of your daily life, I challenge you to
make that change, I know you will be blessed for it!
I check my email multiple times a day because I have this nifty tablet, so
feel free to email whenever! I can read my emails as I get them I just can't
respond until Thursdays. Or check out and send me letters delivered daily for free!
Love you all and hope you have una buona settimana!!
Sorella Lee (also going to Rome ) and Carley - Twinners |
Sorella Oehler and me. |
This narrow little door makes me laugh. |
Getting the daily workout in. |
Another happy moment |