Yep that's right, Kobe Bryant. He was raised in Italy and apparently is
fluent in Italian! Wish he was our teacher...... jk I love my teachers :)
So I heard about the devastating BYU football loss and I have 1 thing to
say: When I die I want the BYU football team to be the Paul bearers of my
casket so they can let me down one last time.
Moving on...
As if life as a missionary can't get any does. Every day,
without fail.
First off, we're in the teens! Let the countdown to Italy begin.
On Sunday morning, we had a Sisters Conference and Sister Ann M. Dibb came
to speak to us! She is the daughter of Thomas S. Monson. She talked about all
of the Christ-like attributes she has observed in her father over the course of
her lifetime and how we too can demonstrate those attributes in our lives!
The future Sorella of Rome "family pic" |
We have been doing so much teaching the past couple days and what a
testimony builder it has been to me. We teach "Antonio" and
"Chiara" aka Fratello Hatch and Sorella Francom (our teachers). This
week, Sorella Oehler (my companion) and I, made a goal to teach by the Spirit
in our lessons. In the past we have written out just about every word we want
to say because the language is hard! But it's been awesome to see how far we've
progressed in the short time we've been here! The gift of tongues is real, and
through it we've been able to teach according to the needs of our
investigators. Although our Italian isn't flawless, we are able to communicate
(somewhat) effectively and feel the Spirit. It's awesome. I've learned that the
gift of tongues isn't something for me. It's something for the people I come in
contact with. The gift of tongues is a gift from God to the people I'm serving
(Doctrine and Covenants 90:11)! So that they can hear the gospel in their native
language. How cool is that?!
We got to host the new missionaries arriving. It was so fun! |
The weather here has been nothing short of fabulous! I think it's been 70
degrees like every day this week! Unusual for Utah, but I'm definitely not
complaining. Sorella Oehler and I like to go outside during exercise time and
play sand volleyball with whoever else is on the court. It's cool meeting new
people up there every day and so much fun to be in the sand and sun!! On
Saturday we played with a district going to Indonesia and we were all getting
to know each other... one of the Elders said to me, "So what's your
name?" And, of course, my initial reaction: "Carley" was met
with lots of laughter. Hahaha my bad... it's going to take a while to break
that habit! It's super weird not being called by your first name, I have to
My new friend from Japan. |
OUR DISTRICT GOT TO HOST YESTERDAY! Basically we greet the new missionaries
at the curb as they come to the MTC! Then we take their bags to their room, get
their books, and show them to their classroom! It was so much fun meeting new
people and seeing the new missionaries all excited to be here. I mean why
wouldn't you be excited to be here!?!?! Best place ever. Anyways, I hosted 3
sisters. The first is from Japan, had never been to America, and she is just
the cutest thing ever. We had a super hard time communicating, but we managed!
She kept saying "you so cute!" to me it was adorable. And she's
serving in Japan, just here at the MTC for 3 weeks. The second girl I hosted is
serving Spanish speaking in Ventura California, and the third was headed to
Portugal. Fingers crossed that we'll get to host at least one more time because
it was so much fun! If not I'm just going to re-wear my "host"
sticker hehehehe ;)
One of my teachers said something on Monday that has really stuck with me:
"better or bitter?" When we are faced with hard times, are we going
to make the situation better? Or are we just going to take the easy way out and
be bitter? Sometimes being optimistic is hard but I promise you it is so worth
it! God has put us on this earth and given us everything we have-- how is it
possible to be unhappy???
Chase: you're and #AGGIE! Congrats on the acceptance to #UtahStateUniversity
Cade: #sendmesomemail #perfavore #ily
Claire: #bravestsorellaever happy to hear you #survived at the #hauntedhouse
And grazie a madre e padre for sending me daily quotes and uplifting
messages! You are the best.
Sorry my email this week is shorter than in the past.... not too much has
changed! Still loving life, though. I have no doubt in my mind that this is
where I am supposed to be right now :) I know that God loves each of us more
than we can imagine. I know that through the atonement of His Son, Jesus
Christ, we can overcome sin and endure any trials that come our way. How
awesome is that?!
If you have any questions for me about anything (MTC life, missionary life)
or questions about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, I would love to answer
them!! Don't hesitate to send me an email or respond to this one :) and you can
always check out !
Thank you all for your continued support! Love you and hope you have the
best week ever!
Auditioned to play a musical number and we were selected to perform. My comp playing the flute and me on the piano. |
Bedtime stories |
The picture on the left is put out by the Church. We thought they should have used sister missionaries. So we created our own. |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
2005 N 900 E Unit 127
Provo, UT 84602