Ciao friends and family!
It has been another amazing and spiritually uplifting week for me! Reflecting back on the past 7 days, I can't help but think of how blessed I am and how often the Lord has manifested His hand in my life.
Beautiful day at the Provo Temple |
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Flight Plans |
My companion and I have been practicing for a couple weeks and we auditioned to perform a musical number: "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go". Sorella Oehler on the flute and I accompanied her on the piano. We got to perform yesterday at the new missionary orientation! It went really well and was a lot of fun.
Our zone got to host this Wednesday AGAIN. Three weeks in a row, che cavolo?! It was awesome as always, the sister I hosted will be serving in Anaheim, California.
On Sunday night we had a special musical devotional-- Jenny Oaks Baker and her family performed for us! Oh my goodness it was amazing. She is such an accomplished violinist and her children are so talented! She bore her testimony in between songs, it was just a great way to change up devotional but still super spiritual.
Tuesday's devotional was Sister Joy B. Jones, the General Primary President. 12,000 hours. That's the number of hours in 18 months. Sister Jones emphasized that we make the most of our 12,000 hours because every. hour. counts. But the same applies for each of you! Make every minute of every hour of every day count! You know what they's too short to be anything but happy :) Sister Jones said that YOUR happiness is YOUR responsibility. I love that!! One other thing she mentioned: "We can't know WHO we are until we know WHOSE we are." I know that each one of us is a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can imagine. He knows us each individually, knows our needs, desires, everything and He. Loves. Us. I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father and all He has blessed me with in this life. I'm thankful that He has allowed me to be one of His missionaries!
Funny comment of the week---
Me (at dinner): "hey Anziano Velardi, what is that on your plate?"
Anziano Velardi: "pasta"
Anziano Hughes (to Anziano Velardi): "you're pasta!"
Anziano Velardi: "I would consider myself a Fettuccine noodle because I'm white and skinny"
I'm still laughing every time I even think of this conversation......Haha oh my. I'm going to miss my district for sure. They've undoubtedly become my best friends in these past 6 weeks.
After hearing about the events of this past week in politics, I would just like to say that no matter who is in office or who isn't in office, I know that these next 4 years will be some of the best for all of us! Why? Because we have a Heavenly FATHER who loves us and who will work all things together for our benefit so long as we are faithful to Him.
During class this week, Sorella Francom had us write down an answer to the question "What type of missionary do you want to be?" This question has been on my mind since! I have come to the conclusion that I want to be the type of missionary who: smiles at everyone she sees, is quick to serve and help others, carries the light of Christ, is dedicated to the work, cares less of herself and more of others, the missionary who opens her mouth at every opportunity, who isn't afraid to make mistakes, who doesn't care if her language is perfect. I want to be the type of missionary that when I talk to people they will see Christ's light and desire to know more about the gospel, who turns to the Lord in every situation, who prays whole-heartedly. I want to find joy in the journey, I want to be the best missionary I can be.
I am so thankful for the gospel in my life! I know that it is true and I'm so thankful and happy every day to be a missionary. Love you all!
Chase: #fastestboyiknow congrats to your team on placing 3rd in the state! #XC
Claire: is that road rash from Cade's #awesomedrivingskills ?
Also shoutout to Austin for the Rome package! Don't know how you had time for that but thank you!!
As always, big thank you to my parents for all of the DAILY love and support. Can't wait to Skype with you from the airport on Monday morning!!
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Glow Stick party - Thanks for the glow sticks mom! |
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Words to live by |