Happy pday! Transfer calls came and went, Sorella DeMann and I will be
together for another 6 weeks! I'm pumped, I'm really learning a lot from her
and she's a great missionary. Plus we have too much fun :)
I'll start with some exciting mission news.... the island of
Malta opened up a Sorelle area!!!!!! So now there are 2 sisters on Malta which
is just the coolest ever. And one of them is......Sorella Oehler!!!!!!! Yes, my
MTC companion is opening Malta for sorelle. So so so so so cool. The work is
growing! Slowly but surely. On the other hand, 2 cagliari sorelle got sent to
different parts of the mission so now there are only 2 sorelle in cagliari.
Which means..... I am 1 of 6 sisters on the island of Sardinia! Pretty cool :)
Other than that and 1 zone leader, no one got transferred off the island. Our
zone is the exact same which is awesome, we will all get to know each other and
help each other with the work! Sardegna sta fiorendo.
A ward member gave us a referral at the beginning of last
transfer. An older lady named Francesca who had been taught before and had come
to church in the past but hasn't come or been taught in a while because of
different medical problems. Well we have been trying her citofono for 6 weeks
and FINALMENTE she answered! No questions asked just told us what floor :)
(that never happens) and we got to visit with her for a little! She is a talker
mama mia but she does just need someone to talk to. We are hoping to help get
her back to church because she loved it and loved the people there!!
Speaking of Francesca....we got a new contact this week
named Francesca. She was sitting on a bench in centro and we showed her
"Grazie a Lui" she said she wants to learn more when she gets back
from Venice at the end of November! You better believe we put it on our
We had pranzo with Pietro again this week, gnocchi and
pesto-- yum!
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Lunch with Pietro. |
I got my Permesso renewal documents sent off......my
fingerprinting appointment isn't until March 20th so I am going to get to come
back to Sardinia in March! Gotta love the speedy Italian gov.
We had a lesson with Donatella this week! We may have set up
that appointment on accident..... I was calling everyone in the phone and she
wanted to meet so we set it up! Then Sorella DeMann said, "Donatella?
She's our Jehovah's Witness friend" oh mama mia. She is so sweet and she
most definitely has the light of Christ, so we were very hopeful going into
that lesson. But she brought a companion and it all went downhill. Luckily we
were able to share the message of the Restoration and bear testimony of that
and they accepted our pamphlet! They were super nice and respectful so I
thought it went pretty well considering.
English course.....we are getting new people! Slowly but we
are! And our phone rings a lot with people wanting to know more details! It's
awesome!! This week we decided to do Mormon Do's and Don'ts for the spiritual
thought. We made 2 lists to clear up the stereotypes and to bear testimony of
the knowledge we have of eternal families!! I know everyone learned something
new that night and people were asking question wanting to know more, it was
We met with Gift this week but it was really short so we
only had time to review the Plan of Salvation, purtroppo :/ But she is
remembering a lot! We tried to meet with her on Friday too but we got the
bidone (ditch).
We did some casa in casa finding this week. We got let into
an apartment building and the door or doorbell of each apartment usually has
the last name on it. Well we got to one and the last name was Migliore meaning
"best" so we were feeling super good, hoping for the
"best". AND got to share the "Grazie a Lui" video with a
guy that lived there, probably in his 20s. He invited us in but...rules haha.
So we are hoping to go back by and see if he is interested! Maybe with our ward
missionary. (before passsing him to the anziani). Speriamo per il migliore. We
hope for the best ;)
And we spent some time wandering around the city this week
putting up english course POSTERS! They are premade by the mission, definitely
not the cutest or best marketing but I guess they get the job done. We put them
up in almost every bar and cafe around town! Speriamo for more people in our
church for english group this week.
We had the awesome opportunity to meet with Rosalba this
week, a less active member who lives out in campagna. We aren't exactly sure
why she agreed to meet with us but we were able to share some of our favorite
scriptures from the Book of Mormon and talk about its importance. It's really
difficult because her testimony is struggling. She told us, "if you went
to the catholic church, you would know it's true". Huh. That's definitely
a new one!! But we really clicked with her and just kind of got to know her and
be her friend :) She was super hesitant about reading the Book of Mormon, but
by the time she left, she said I promise I'll read not 5 but 10 minutes every
day! Success :) We can't wait to go back and see her.
Another visit we had this week was with Theresa. She's and
older lady from Ireland, speaks perfect english, but has lived here long enough
that she thinks in italian now. So the lesson was in Italian. We found her
number in our phone and she was down to meet up! We went to her house and got
to know her......she has known the missionaries since 1973, is friends with the
members, has been to church, and has a 1973 edition of the Book of Mormon in
english, well worn and read. Along with several other copies of it! So so cool.
We proceeded to teach her the restoration, but she probably knows it better
than we do to be honest.... she definitely knows it's a god-given book. She
knows. But the only doubt she has is about Joseph Smith. As soon as she
overcomes that, this woman is GOLDEN! So hit me up with suggestions/solutions
per favore :) We are praying to know exactly how to help her.

Saturday night, the ward relief society had an awesome
activity planned, everyone bring a dish using zucca (pumpkin)! And as a relief
society talk about the recipe and then have a ward social type thing after, eat
and mingle. So naturally, Sorella DeMann and I remembered to invite some
less-active members and potentials, english course, friends from the Caritas,
etc. We made pumpkin chocolate cookies and got to the church right on time! No
one there except the Eldersquorum president. Who tells us the activity got
cancelled last night. Mama miaaaaaaa. So we go to call the people we had
invited to tell them not to come (awkward) but our phone is dead. So we walk
home to get the charger, walk back to the church to see if anyone had shown up
while we charge our phone. Whew it was quite disatrous but good thing we are
having a Halloween party this Saturday! We are working to get everything
together for that. And this one won't be cancelled the day before menomale.
Italians are starting to celebrate Halloween more and more I think, mainly
because Americans do it and they want to be like America, ma va be! We are so
excited for that!! We made fliers and a sign on our board to go out in giro
with, hopefully we will get a decent turnout.
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The Sassari branch Relief Society |
And now, the reason the activity was cancelled. Apparently
because ward conference was the next day and major bishopric changes! We got a
new branch president, counselors, new relief society president, new
eldersquorum president, new young mens president. So pretty much everything!
It's pretty crazy the stake presidency comes over from Rome for it. And Sorella
Renga (Velardi) was there, she's the stake relief society president but was in
my ward in Caserta and is the absolute cutest/classiest lady ever. (Anziano
Velardi's aunt). It was so fun getting to see her!
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with Sorella Renga (Stake Relief Society President) |
When we sat down in church yesterday, Fratello Mastino came
up to us frantic and says in perfect english: "sisters which one of you is
it that plays the organ I can't play today we need someone to play prelude and
can you play those hymns....." hahahah we didn't know how to react mainly
because we were in shock of his perfect english! But I was so happy to play the
"organ" aka a keyboard with an organ setting. It was fun getting to
accompany, and I'm hoping I'll be able to do it every week now since Fratello
Mastino is now the branch president! Vediamo.
Elder Ballard came to our mission this week! Well, he came
to Rome... so all the Rome zones and Napoli zone got to see him, shake hands,
all that jazz. The rest of us got the broadcast version lolololol. But it was
great to hear from him along with Elder Clayton and Elder DeFeo (Elder DeFeo is
an italian member of the 70!). They mainly talked about finding more people and
talking to more people. Which we are trying so hard to do! At the end of the
conference, President Pickerd referenced a talk by Elder Ballard (october 2002
priesthood session) called "The Greatest Generation of Missionaries".
I decided to study it this week and it has to be my new favorite. Elder Ballard
is very blunt and straight up but he says this: "Listen to those words:
valiant, courage, strength, active, true. We don’t need spiritually weak and
semicommitted *missionaries. We don’t need you to just fill a position; we need
your whole heart and soul. We need vibrant, thinking, passionate missionaries
who know how to listen to and respond to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.
This isn’t a time for spiritual weaklings. We cannot send you on a mission to
be reactivated, reformed, or to receive a testimony. We just don’t have time
for that. We need you to be filled with “faith, hope, charity and love, with an
eye single to the glory of God” (D&C 4:5)." There is so much power in
those words, and something I've been trying to work on this week. Working to
have those Christ-like attributes. Being all-in. Not lukewarm or
semi-committed. Elder Ballard says to "Rise up and measure up". So
that's my challenge to each of you this week! Even though you may not be a
full-time missionary, God has high expectations for all of us. We all have
unimaginable potential. Are we rising up? Are we measuring up?
I love you all! Buona settimana!!!! XOXOXOXO
Sorella Carley
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Corso Giovanni Pascoli 25
Sassari, SS 07100
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Corso Giovanni Pascoli 25
Sassari, SS 07100