very very slowly, but it's rolling. Finalmente!
(and yeah sorry this email is excessively long... feel free
to skip to the pictures. This is what happens when it's a national holiday on
pday so the whole city is completely shut down.)
We had our restoration lesson with Lucia and Riccardo last
Monday night... it went exactly like you'd expect a lesson with two 18
year-olds to go. No matter how hard we were trying to invite the spirit and
bear testimony, they just weren't having it. Lucia was on her phone most of the
time. And when Sorella Conforto asked her what she remembered from the lesson
she couldn't remember a single thing. So we left that one feeling kind of
frustrated but also determined to find some way to teach Lucia so she can understand!
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with Sorella Hope and Lucia |
So we made another appointment with her. Saturday night. And this time we
decided it would be best to just watch the restoration DVD since ragazzi love
watching screens and plus it's just a really good visual that helps with
understanding Joseph Smith, his experience, and brings the spirit very
strongly. So we did just that! We watched the video on their TV and the spirit
in that room was tangible. We asked her what she understood about the video and
she recounted it all back perfectly telling us "Sorelle, I know these
thing are true. I know this really did happen to Joseph Smith." Then she
made Riccardo leave the room and just completely opened up to us. I was picking
my jaw up off the floor and wondering who are you and what did you do with the
Lucia we met with Monday night??? She told us about how her dad passed away
when she was 10 but that she feels his presence around her constantly. She told
us about how she's been believing her whole life but that she has never found
such amazing people, a real family, and such happiness as she feels in our
church. She told us about how she used to be happier and how she wants to and
knows she can become that girl again with the help of the gospel and the
Atonement of Jesus Christ. She told us that she needed Sorella Hope and I so
badly and we were just all crying. We explained the importance of prayer and
how we can each have a personal relationship with Heavenly Father and then
invited her to say a prayer. She said she'd never really prayed before but said
the most beautiful prayer. It was such a special night that I know will bond us
for eternity! To top it all off, she came to church on Sunday and apparently
told Sorella Hope through google translate that she wants to be baptized? I
wasn't around when that happened.. so update on that next week after we talk
with her some more this week :)
Food adventures of the week: Horse meat sandwiches with the
Conforto family. Yum!! Sorella Hope made me a spider drink-- vanilla ice cream
and sprite mixed into like a slushie type thing. So good.
At english course this week we made our students learn the
numbers like "third", "fourth", "fifth",
"sixth", etc. etc. Which was hysterical because italians can't make
the "th" sound per niente. Sorella Hope and I did our spiritual
thought on the Restoration, we showed the short video and bore our testimonies.
The spirit must have been present because one of our students, Maria, showed up
in the middle of sacrament meeting on Sunday! Che miracolo! (Side note: church
is backwards here, meaning that sacrament meeting is last).
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at ward activity with Sara |
Last Tuesday was like Italian liberation day or some big
holiday so our ward had a huge activity at the church and they invited friends,
it was so much fun! We showed up and Fratello Caraffa (literally our dad in the
ward) says "Sorelle, go home and put on pants right now, what are you guys
wearing?!" I was kind of suprised.. I've never had members tell us to
change hahaha. He was like "Either I'll drive you home to change, or you
can take my car" and since neither of those are 'legal' we walked home and
changed and came back to play some volleyball with all the youth, eat lunch,
get to know all the ward members and continue trying to learn names, we even
did some karaoke (Fratello Caraffa is a DJ and so he had pretty legit setup).
Ah it was just a blast. And we got to meet tons of really cool people.
I might've mentioned Martina Zombra in an email before, she
and her family are just the cutest members. She got back from her mission in
Milan in October and we meet with her like once a week to help her learn
english! She works at this fancy purse shop in Ortigia called Lumière. Wow.
hahah. And since she is going to go to Rome this week for her trainer's wedding
(also Amanda's trainer) and Amanda will be there too, I gave her a little note
to pass on! Still salty you're not coming to Sicily, Amanda. #coughcough
But you guys have to know that this week was another hard
one for us. I was honestly feeling kind of down because we just do hours and
hours of street contacting and house to house every day without tons of
success. It got to the point where I got an email from my mom on Thursday that
said, "I had some one at the DMV bless me today and pray for me!! so I
asked God to pass it on to you! So hopefully you had a miracle this
evening or today sometime!" I read that and just kind of laughed like are
you kidding me? In my dreams. But I really believed it and we just prayed that
that miracle would come our way sooner rather than later. 24 hours passed.
Then Friday night rolled around and we were supposed to have
a "spiritual reflections night" at the church with some of the
members. It got cancelled last minute. So......we had no other plans and
decided to go street contacting in a little area near our house (we always turn
right when we leave our house, but we decided to turn left and just street
contact in that area). Well, best decision of our lives because for some reason
the people over there are insanely open and just totally willing to talk to us!
We had conversation after conversation I couldn't believe it!!!!!!! We also saw
this super cute little Nigerian baby (Purity) and were just awing over her and
then started talking to the parents, Marvelous and Happy. They've been in Italy
for 3 years now and were so sweet. Not going to lie, it's a ton easier talking
to Africans about the gospel because they are just so much more open! And so of
course we invited them to church. And they said "We will come" (only
italy missionaries understand that this means you'll never see them again).
Sorella Hope was pumped after that conversation and I didn't burst her bubble,
just told her how it usually ends up with africans when they say that. But
something did feel different with we prayed our little hearts out.
As the night went on we made several other amazing contacts I can't even
remember all the names!!!!!!!! I was like how far are we going to push our luck
tonight? We kept stopping people waiting for someone to reject us and it never
happened... I was kind of wondering if I'd been transferred to South America
for a second or something. It got to the point where after each amazing
conversation, we would just hug and cry hahah that makes us sound like insane
people but that's exactly what happened. Sorella Hope even said "wow I've
never seen you so happy!" Miracles are real yall. The Lord is looking out
for His missionaries! I know that all of our hard, seemingly fruitless efforts
from the past 3 weeks are starting to pay off and that yes, the ball is
beginning to roll. We've been using all our faith to push it and it's
definitely starting to move here in Siracusa! Meno male!!
Okay, now it gets better. Yep, that wasn't even the best
part. We spent the entire morning Saturday doing casa in casa.
There's this HUGE palazzo kind of close to where we live and we are trying to
knock the whole thing. So we made a pretty big dent in it when we spent 3 hours
straight knocking. Niente. Came home for lunch and studies. No afternoon plans
so we went back to that same palazzo. More knocking. It was almost time for our
lesson with Lucia so we decided to do one more building. We came to one door
where the lady opened and, same as usual, told us she wasn't interested but I
just felt like I should keep talking. So I gave her a card and pointed to the
information on the back saying "this is our phone number and the address
of our church, we have church tomorrow at 9:30, blah blah blah" I don't
really remember what else I said but Sorella Hope said I started bearing my
testimony hahaha wow. And she said "hey do you want to just come in for a
minute?" We tried to keep our cool and casually say "si" but I'm
not sure that's how it actually turned out hahaha. Carmen. She's a cute lady
from Romania, she's lived in Italy the last 10 years. I thought she was super
young but apparently she has 2 older daughters. Her husband died 5 years ago.
And we talked for an hour about everything under the sun from the restoration,
to the word of wisdom, to the plan of salvation, the sacrament, we read the
introduction to the Book of Mormon and Moroni's promise together, everything.
She was so curious and had so many questions!! We also showed her the
#CiSaraSempre video and her response was just tears. All 3 of us were in tears.
It was an amazing spiritual moment and we are beyond excited to meet up with
Carmen again this week!! Miracoli ovunque.
Now I know you're probably tired of reading but it's not
over. That's not the end, not even the best part. Because you know what? We
were sitting in sacrament meeting on Sunday and I was just looking around
thinking about how much I truly love Siracusa and these amazingly strong ward
members. It's been a hard adjustment but it is really starting to feel like
home. My heart is here, without a doubt. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I
saw an African walk into the chapel. It was Marvelous. Followed by Happy,
pushing Purity in a stroller. I kind of did a double take and looked at Sorella
Hope to make sure it was real and I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. We jumped out of
our seats, ran over to them and greeted them with the biggest smiles in the
world. They came and sat by us, and let me just tell you my heart has never
felt so full. The day of miracles has NOT ceased, I can promise you that. We
are going to their house tonight to talk more and I CAN'T WAIT! I
love Nigerians, I love Italians, I love Siracusa, I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!
It's all true guys, it's all true. I love this gospel and my Savior with my
whole heart.
Love yall too!
Have the best week!
your favorite sorella missionaria.
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4 elders from my MTC district were at zone conference. |
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the Siracusa district |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Via Polibio, 17
Siracusa, SR 96100
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Via Polibio, 17
Siracusa, SR 96100