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piazza venezia |
Wednesday was the legendary "Ferragosto". Legendary because missionaries in this mission give it such an interesting reputation.....basically it's the day when everyone takes the day off, everything is closed, and everyone goes to the beach. So naturally, we did deep cleaning that day! Oh and apparently the holiday behind Ferragosto is to celebrate the ascension of Mary into heaven. Catholics sure love Mary! Ah there's nothing you can do but love this culture!!

We spent a majority of our week hitting the metro and the streets and just finding people to talk to! Plus I did a scambio with Sorella Harmon this week and we saw tons of miracles together! So here are a few of the cool contacts from this week:
-- Isabel. She's from Brazil but has lived in Italy for 10 years because she's married to an Italian! She remembered seeing missionaries in Brazil and lived close to the church there! She told us she's not catholic and would love to learn more about our church! Well, I got to pull out The Book of Mormon there on the metro, we read the introduction together and exchanged numbers! Only bummer was that when we tried to call her she had blocked our number. But I still have faith because she was so elect! Pray for her!!
-- Aurora. GANS age. Also met on the metro, she told us she was going to the mall Porta di Roma and I asked if she'd see the temple nearby, she said yes! And then she talked about how she'd love to see inside. I pulled out my tablet and showed her some temple pictures I had downloaded and got to tell her a little about why temples are so special! So we definitely got her number! She lives in Ladispoli so hopefully we will be able to pass her off to the sorelle there.
-- Eugenie. She is from Africa I think and is an ex-nun, she left the nunnery because she knows families are part of God's plan and wants one of her own (sound familiar?)! Her first language is french so we are going to meet up with her hopefully next week (she's busy this week) and give her a copy of The Book of Mormon in french! She is really excited to learn more about the other testament of Jesus Christ!
-- THE KOREAN COUPLE. I think this might've been the highlight of my mission...... yesterday we were on the way home and there were 2 seats open in front of this cute asian couple, Sorella Decker and I sat down. I asked where they were from... "South Korea"! They're here in Rome on vacation. I tried not to jump out of my seat. But explained to them that my brother was in korea (they spoke pretty good english!) and they tried to teach me a little korean (already forgot). They asked us if we knew any place they could go that didn't have so many tourists. Sorella Decker like a genius whips out a temple card and tells them the address! What made it even more perfect was that they just had to stay on the bus and they'd get there! Plus I happened to have a picture of the Korean temple downloaded and showed them a picture of it, they wanted the address of that too, we gave it to them! Then I referred them to mormon.org and explained how they could type in their address and find the church building closest to them! (they live on the opposite side of the country from Seoul). Plus they have a cute 3 month old baby that they showed us pictures of. Wow miracles.
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has a picnic by the Colosseum |
Gioia and Giulia are doing well! Unfortunately, they too are out of town and they don't even know when they'll be coming back. But we had a great lesson with them this week on the Plan of Salvation! They just ate it up. And then they came to english course the next day so we met before it started and they had remembered the whole plan of salvation! Plus we followed up on if they were reading The Book of Mormon and Giulia said no. So Gioia sat there and explained the first 14 chapters (everything she's read) and basically taught the lesson for us. It was incredible.
And lastly, the best moment of the week was our lesson with Lina. I couldn't tell you exactly why, but it was just something special. I feel this like super special connection and love for her and she's just the greatest. We watched the 20 minute restoration film with her and afterwards asked how she felt. She couldn't even put it into words but she did say that "everyone needs to see this video and feel this way". We got to bear powerful testimony to her that those feelings were of the Holy Ghost confirming the truth of our message! I was crying the spirit was so strong but also because it felt so amazing after spending the whole week finding and finding and finding to just have someone listen and understand and feel of the truthfulness for themselves. I can't explain it to you but it was something I definitely needed this week and Lina is someone I definitely need in my life. I love her, I love these crazy Italians!! Lina is going to Sicily for a couple of weeks on vacation. But she's bringing us back cannoli so we can't be too upset with her hehe.
Quote of the week "you didn't come this far to only come this far",
Hey there's always room for improvement and that's exactly why we are here! I love the gospel!! I love being a missionary!!
Love yall!!!
Buona settimana!!
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everyone needs a watermelon scooter |
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me and decker at the piazza venezia |
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national museum of modern art |
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gelato with Sorella Harmon |
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it is always time for gelato |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Piazza Bortolo Belotti, 55/21
Roma, RM 00139
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Piazza Bortolo Belotti, 55/21
Roma, RM 00139