At this point I've probably overused that subject title. Oh
well. There's no other way to say it-- this week was incredible! And now that
it's September, the ball is rolling. Things have been picking up and we are
working harder than ever.
First, I'll give you an update on Stella. (the girl from
We were sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday, probably a
little too zoned out during the talks, and in walks... Stella? I did a double
take, then nudged Sorella Decker so hard, we sat there in shock! The best part?
She stayed all 3 hours. Wow. After sacrament meeting she said she got chills
during the hymns. After all 3 hours she was blown away by how nice everyone was
and even the people that didn't speak english came up to introduce themselves!
Even better: Veronica (the member that just got back from her mission in
England) made best friends with her and invited her to the GANS activities this
Remember Gianna from a few weeks ago? We met her at the
hospital? Well, we've been going back every Sunday morning to visit with her
and bring her a message of hope! She is such cute mom and is patiently waiting
for the doctors to find a cure to her rare muscle disorder. Yesterday she
reported she had read 10 chapters in The Book of Mormon and loves how she feels
when she reads it! She is a woman of great faith and courage and we are so
lucky to know her. She tells us she really looks forward to Sunday mornings now
and the light we bring to her hopsital room when we come to visit.
the sorella in the Rome West Zone |
Remember Evelyn from a few weeks ago? We met Evelyn,
Alessandro, Nicholas, and Luca while doing our mini-mietitura. We stopped them
to tell them about english group and they were super interested in learning
english. Well, we met up on Saturday morning, they came to the church and we
planned on teaching them a little english and sharing a spiritual thought. The
second they walked in, they bombarded us with questions of every sort! They
wanted to know all about our church, how it works, how our missions work, etc!
Mamma mia it was absolutely incredible. Evelyn told us "I don't ever stop
and talk to people on the street. But I just really trust you girls for some
reason. You have such a peace about you and that's why we wanted to meet up
today." So we did end up teaching their boys like 2 english words but the
rest of our time together was spent explaining the restoration of Christ's
gospel in this dispensation! When we presented The Book of Mormon and gifted it
to them, they said they'll read it voluntarily! When they left Alessandro told
us they'd be kind of busy this week with a house they're trying to buy but he
said "don't think that we won't be seeing each other again soon or that we
are avoiding you". When they left Sorella Decker and I hugged and cried for
a little, just in awe. Heavenly Father has prepared so many people for His
gospel, we just have to find them! I have such a strong testimony of
Here's another example, in case you're missing the point I'm
trying to make.
There once was a lady named Cindy Rodriguez. Cindy is from
the Dominican Republic. Cindy drives by the Italy Rome temple and decides to go
inside the information center. She talks with the senior couple that was there.
The senior couple gives us Cindy's phone number. We call Cindy and set up an
appointment. Turns out Cindy is a member of the church and has been
living in Italy for 2 years. She has been less active and didn't know the
church (and missionaries) exist here in Rome! She figured everyone was
catholic. (so do we.) Now this is where things get good. Cindy has an 11 year old daughter named Marjorie! Marjorie
has yet to be baptized and Cindy wants her to learn the lessons and progress
towards baptism. Not only does Cindy want that, Marjorie wants it too! She was
so excited to get her very own copy of The Book of Mormon! The only problem is that Cindy and Marjorie live far away
from the church (like 1.5 hours using public transport). The solution was
that....the Zapata family (from Ecuador) gave them a ride! AH it just worked
out too beautifully. They had a lovely time in church and met tons of the
members, including all of the south american members! It was amazing to see and
ah wow. Yesterday was easily the best Sunday of my mission.
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with Maria |
And another cool experience from this week happened when we
decided to venture out to Villa Ada, a park! It was rough at first, we didn't
know how to go about talking to people so we just started inviting everyone in
sight to the temple information center! After lots of rejection and wanting to
go somewhere else, we met Maria!! She had a really cute dog and invited us to
walk with her. She really wanted to talk and walk and so we did just that, made
great friends with her and just talked about everything under the sun. She was
really nice and confident and just has a huge personality. Then her dog got
tired so she invited us to come back to her house with her and drop her dog off
and go to a different park! While we were waiting for her to come back outside
I "read the Book of Mormon" in italian. Meaning I opened to Alma 32
and started reading verse 28 right when Maria came back so that I could ask her
the meaning of a word in the verse. To which she responded perfectly "read
the whole sentence". I read all of verse 28 hehehe ... furbi siamo. Then
she changed the subject. To which I said, "Have you ever seen or heard of
this book, The Book of Mormon?" She said no, then changed the subject
again. When we got to the other park she told us she had to go back home. So we
told her we wanted to gift her this book that has changed our lives. She was
touched and told us to write her a dedica inside. I wrote "We know this
book will bring you peace...." and she just broke down. Her walls came
down and she cried and we just hugged. Maria said "ragazze, I really need peace
right now." Then she asked when we could see each other again :)
Y'all, the church is true and the work is SO good. I know
that God is looking out for me and that He loves me and YOU. He loves Stella,
Gianna, Alessandro, Evelyn, Cindy, Marjorie, and Maria. I know it because I
have the special experience to feel that love. What a blessing. In case you didn't know, I love being a missionary.
Yesterday we started the 21 day Book of Mormon challenge!
Not to read the whole book in 21 days but to read specific verses for 21 days
in a row because after 21 days it'll become habit! I'll attach the pdf for you
lovlies and we can do it together! Email me about your experiences! Share the
challenge with a friend! It's going to be great!
Love yall!!
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with my companion Sorella Decker |
Rome West zone |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Piazza Bortolo Belotti, 55/21
Roma, RM 00139
Le Sorelle Missionarie
Piazza Bortolo Belotti, 55/21
Roma, RM 00139