Well, I got my last transfer call this morning... I cried
afterwards haha. Not ready for all of this to come to an end! Luckily I still
have 7 more weeks!! But that being said, I'll just go ahead and apologize for
the slight decrease in the length and quality of my emails hahaha whoops.
I will be staying in Pescara and my new comp will be Sorella
Liddiard! She was in my zone in Rome and is really sweet so I'm excited to get
to know her better. And Sorella Guymon is going to Foggia.. mamma mia I will
miss her so much and just wish I could spend another 7 weeks with her.
We had an amazing week!!!!! Lots of rain but Sorella Guymon
loves the rain so that kinda rubbed off on me!
Last Monday night we had a district gesso here in Pescara
which was a blast! Although it was kind of rainy and there weren't too many
people out, 4 missionaries sang hymns while the other 4 of us stopped people!
Sorella Neff and I paired up to stop people and it was such a great time plus
we met some really amazing people and gave away 2 copies of The Book of Mormon.
One of which was to Jessica! She was coming out of a store and I just yelled
'ciao' then we ended up getting to share a scripture with her + gift her a copy
of The Book of Mormon!! And the best part is that we have an appointment set up
with her tonight! I am soooo excited to meet up with her, she is like our age
and so cute and wooo! It's going to be great!
We had an extra special district meeting on Tuesday, our
district leader asked us each to come with a 5 minute something prepared on an
attribute we love about our companion and want to develop within ourselves.
Then we all went around and shared. It was really uplifting and great to hear
so much positivity and the great attributes of each member of our district! Plus
getting to brag about Sorella Guymon was a nice cherry on top. She's just the
I got to do a scambio with Sorella Baielli this week and she
is just such a good friend, oh I'm so lucky to be in her district again!! She
is so much fun to serve around! We met up with Sofia and the stake family
history leader and talked about the importance of doing family history to help
our ancestors receive saving ordinances! It was super interesting and then we
went to the family history center together and helped her get started on
filling out her family tree and searching for her ancestors! The ward members
here love family history and were super excited to help her out with
Another cute thing that happened this week, we got to help
Sorella Conforte translate a letter she wrote to the first presidency of the
church! She wanted it to be in english and mamma mia it was so adorable! She
and her husband are ex mission presidents and just such a great family. Plus
their kids and grandkids live in the ward!
Thursday was kind of a harder day because we thought we had
the whole day planned out with lessons and then 10 minutes before we left the
house, they all got cancelled!! So we hit the streets hard looking for the
people we were meant to find. We had some amazing, spiritual conversations,
gave away 2 copies of The Book of Mormon, plus a lady named Maria Pia bought us
dolce from the pasticceria! (she probably thought we were catholic
missionaries...ahahah). So it turned out to be a beautiful day and we are hoping
to meet again with the contacts we met that day!
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with Guymon and Daniela |
Daniela is doing so well!!!!! She is still working on the
Book of Mormon challenge and loving it. Plus she is going to start meeting with
the missionaries in Ancona while she is there during the week for school and we
will keep teaching her on Saturdays! Our lessons with her just keep getting
better and better. She asks amazing questions, like how we knew the gospel was
the right thing. And we get to bear testimony of the happiness it brings into
our lives! She is having a hard time getting an answer and is a little bit
confused because she has been catholic her whole life and after reading the
Bible got a confirmation that it was right to be confirmed into the catholic
church....any advice??
On Saturday we had just finished a member lesson and were
headed to centro for some english course finding (we made a big poster.. I'm a
pro at this by now.. and handed out like 400 cards and met some really awesome
people who want to come!!) but while we were walking were on this street we
never walk down and there was literally only 1 person on that street, a 17 year
old girl named Giada. We had this mutual smiling at each other thing going on
and then complimented her moto. We started talking, explained why we're here as
missionaries, then exchanged numbers!! AH! I know this probably doesn't seem
like a big deal to yall but it was a huge miracle!!!!
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with Laura |
Laura is doing really well! She seriously feels like my mom,
just really homie and it's comfortable around her. We watched the talk together
"To the Friends and Investigators of the Church" and kind of broke
her boxes (nicely) while pushing her to make goals. We explained how we as
missionaries make goals regularly and also we want to make goals to help her
but in order to do so we need to know her personal goals! So we made her a cute
little goal sheet and helped her write some down. She wants to pray and read
the scriptures daily so we are more than willing to help her get started on
that!!!! She has such an amazing testimony of just everything and loves The
Book of Mormon and, as always, came to church yesterday :)
Speaking of church yesterday.....
we decided last minute to throw together a musical number as
missionaries! I played the piano and the perfectly talented Sorella Guymon and
Anziano Stucki sang "Joseph Smith's First Prayer". It was absolutely
beautiful and the spirit was very felt!! The Saturday before, we decided to
call/send messages to people inviting them to come hear it! One lady, Rossana,
said she would talk to her husband. We walked into the chapel on Sunday and there was Rossana
and her husband! They stayed for all of sacrament meeting and I think they
liked it! So we are going to do our best to meet up with them during the week
and answer some of their questions.
So all in all, it was an absolutely amazing week. Even last
night after walking around in the pouring rain for 3 hours, we just sang hymns.
Finally we ran out of hymns to sing and one popped into my head "fear not,
I am with thee, oh be not dismayed. For I am thy God and will still give thee
aid. I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand". This
may sound cheeseball, but although it was cold, I could feel the warmth of the
Spirit pushing us along while singing those words. I know that there is God and
that He loves us and wants nothing more than for us to be happy. He will be
with us every step of the way if we just ask for His help! Fear not. I'll
strengthen and help. How powerful is that? The gospel is so good guys. Can't
even begin to express to you how much it means to me and how much I love
sharing it with the people I meet everyday. The blessings of being a missionary
are real! I love you all and hope you have a great week. Many prayers.
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Mystery fruit |
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Mystery fruit with a face. |
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Vecchi M.L. , Pieri A.
Via Arapietra 61/5
Pescara, PE 65124
Vecchi M.L. , Pieri A.
Via Arapietra 61/5
Pescara, PE 65124