I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the shortness of my
emails this transfer!! We are going to be maximizing our pday time! Here's our
week in bullets.
-- As the subject says, Maryori got baptized! We were
teaching her in Rome 2 and she will get confirmed next Sunday!
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my new comp Sorella Liddiard |
-- Remember Jessica I talked about in last weeks email? The
lesson with her last Monday night was amazing!! She told us she'd been reading
The Book of Mormon and we got to talk to her about the Restoration of Christ's
church. She told us she'd continue with the reading and that next time we can
meet at her house!
-- The musical number that we preformed in church last week?
We preformed it at english group for the spiritual thought on Tuesday night and
it was a crowd pleaser. The students were all video taping and to say the
spirit was undeniable would be an understatement. Our english group is huge and
I just adore every single student.
-- We had a lesson with Enrica this week, still helping her
get ready to go through the Rome temple! We got to talk about the importance of
commandments and being worthy to obtain a temple reccomend!
-- Nancy (Daniela's mom) and Dejanira (Daniela's sister),
our english course students, had us over for pranzo on Wednesday! We learned
how to cook some fancy equadorian dishes and got to bear our testimonies to
them! We are hoping to start teaching teaching them. Like for reals. Because
they both came to sacrament meeting yesterday!!
-- We had transfers this week and I had to say goodbye to
the perfectly well rounded Sorella Guymon, she's in Foggia now! My new comp,
Sorella Liddiard, is seriously such a perfect match for me. I can not believe
how well we work together and just have such a blast in finding and talking to
people! She loved doing english course poster finding. And this week we are
starting a "question of the day" finding! In the morning we choose a
question, then we study it during personal study, find a scripture that helps
us answer it, and go out asking everyone we see the question!! It has been so
much fun! Yesterday we asked "Why did God give us free agency?" And
we were really suprised with the answers we got. We were able to have several
amazing conversations and most everyone we talked with realized that free
agency really is a gift from God that we should use to to follow Him and and
His Son! Plus we are also going to start doing something called 'power finding'
where we pray over a map, each choose 10 streets, and then go to the one that
we have in common and do every kind of finding possible!!! Ah it's going to be
such a beautiful transfer.
-- We are doing a service in Chieti (a city in our area)
where every other week we go teach english at a center called ErgaOmnes! It was
really fun, the students were pretty much all our age and we totally got them
to come out of their shells and talk! The subject of the day was weather and we
even divided them up in groups and had them each give little weather reports,
it was so cute!
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gelato with Roberta |
-- And as for the biggest miracle of the week, we found out
who mystery text girl is! Her name is Roberta and she comes to english group! On
Tuesday after english group she was asking one of the anziani about sunday
meetings and then after their conversation was over he was like "are you
guys teaching her?" and then the lightbulb went off for both me and
Sorella Guymon, it clicked and we knew she was mystery girl! So we chased her
down and connected the dots! Then on Thursday at english group we set up an
appointment with her for Saturday night. We went to go get gelato at a place by
the church then sat down to talk when she asked "can we go to the church
to talk?" it was amazing! We talked about the restoration, the importance
of the Book of Mormon, how all of the sunday church meetings work, and then
even helped her download the gospel library app and watched a general
conference talk together! Roberta is AMAZING!! I can already see her in white,
yall. She had something come up and couldn't make it to church yesterday so
hopefully next week!
The mission is life changing!! I can honestly say there is
nothing better than getting to spend hours every day sharing your testimony
with every single person you talk to. Does it even get better than
that?!?!?! Scripture of the week Alma 27:18 exceeding joy= joy which
none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seekers of happiness!
Be a humble seeker of happiness and you'll have exceeding joy!! I love the
scriptures, I love the Book of Mormon and I know it's true and I love this
Have the best week yall!
alla prossima.
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Italy Rome Mission