Buongiorno carissimi miei!
Primo di tutto, vorrei augurare Amanda per suo matrimonio!
Auguri! E buona vita haha. Mi manchi.
Not a ton to update y'all on this week, we spent a couple
days in Rome for zone conference! It was my last zone conference because next
transfer we will having mission conference and Elder DeFeo is coming!! Woooo an
italian! So zone conference was probably the best zone conference I've been to,
the spirit was present and strong. We had some good discussions on the
doctrine of Christ and how we can give our all to His work!
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with Bianca |
While we were in Rome, Sorella Guymon and I went to the Rome
2 english group, it was so good to see everyone!! Unfortunately, Ecuador fam
wasn't there but I did get to see Enzo and Bianca and everyone else- ah it was
so much fun!!!!! I miss them! Plus Sorella Decker gave me an update on
Maryori-- she's still on date to be baptized NEXT WEEKEND! October 20! And
apparently is doing super well :))))) PLUS Gioia is going to get baptized
November 10!!!!!!! Holy cow what a blessing to go back and hear such a good
update, I am so lucky to have helped teach these beautiful people and I'm so
excited to hear that they are progressing so perfectly!
First, Mattia.
Last week while we were doing street contacting, we met a
really nice lady named Mattia. She was really open to hearing what we had to
say (even though she's a Jehovah's witness) and gave us directions to her house
and told us to pass by to talk more!! So this week we decided to stop by and
see if she was home. She let us in and we got to talk with her about the
restoration of the church Christ established when He lived on the earth! And we
introduced The Book of Mormon and invited her to read the introduction and pray
about it, which she promised she would do! Mattia is definitely a talker and
knows the Bible super well, but I'm excited to see where things go with
Second, Paola.
She's been a friend of the church for a while because she is
coworkers with a member! Well, she came with Enrica to a session of general
conference last week and we got to set up an appointment with her, which ended
up going perfectly! She even pulled out a notebook and asked to take notes
hahaha. We had a really good discussion on the restoration and she really
respected everything we said, gave us a chance to talk (rare in any social
situation in Italy), and accepted the invite to pray regarding the truthfulness
of our message! Plus she came to church yesterday and set up her own
appointment with us again this week :)))))))
We had a lot of good finding this week, some good
conversations, even met a lady named Rossana who is interested in coming to
tour the church! So we are excited to hopefully meet up with her and show her
around! And at church on Sunday we had a member refer us to her esthetician
(she did missionary work while getting her nails done) she talked with her
about The Book of Mormon and instead of giving it to her, told her that we
would bring it! So we got to stop by and give her a copy, she was really
excited to start reading it and although she was busy we are hoping to go back
this week.

And now for the happiest part of our week..
This girl is a straight miracle, I don't know how else to
put it. She came to the lesson on Saturday and had been doing the 21 day
challenge but had a question about what the plan of salvation was. Which
happened to be the most perfect question she could've posed because we had
planned a lesson on the plan of salvation!!!! And she just ate it up. At the
end she taught it back to us word for word, with detail and wow. You could just
see things clicking for her. We invited her, when she gets her answer regarding
the truthfulness of what she's been taught, to be baptized on December 1st and
she said, well of course, that seems like the right thing to do if I know it's
true! AHHHHH!! THEN.. she came to church on Sunday!!! With her mom Nancy! I am
seriously so beyond excited to see what else God has in store for this family
and I'm incredibly blessed to be a part of it.
In hopes of getting the members of our ward on board with
missionary work, we have started calling through the ward list and talking to
all of the members on Sundays trying to set things up... on Saturday we passed
by a family and got to have a cool spiritual thought with them. We gave each of
them a piece of paper and and we all took 5 minutes to write letters to our
decendents (things most important to us/what we want them to know). Then we
pretended that Sorella Guymon was the ancestor, we each handed her our letter,
and she took all the letters and without reading them, ripped them in half. It
definitely left quite the impact! Then we read 2 Nephi 25:26 We talk of Christ,
we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write
according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may
look for a remission of their sins." We talked about the importance of The
Book of Mormon and the sacrifices made by ancient prophets so that we could
have this counsel today! We had them share their testimonies of The Book of
Mormon and then invited them to pray as a family to know their friends that
need this book in their lives. We left them with a copy and had them tape their
letters back together as a reminder of the thought!
I know that The Book of Mormon is true and that it contains
the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through it we can grow closer to Him
and learn His ways. I am thankful to be here sharing this other testament of
Christ with the people of Pescara!
Vi voglio bene!!
Sorella Carley Neuberger
Vecchi M.L. , Pieri A.
Via Arapietra 61/5
Pescara, PE 65124
Vecchi M.L. , Pieri A.
Via Arapietra 61/5
Pescara, PE 65124
the Sorella of Rome East |
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Chicken Adobo - filipino dish |